Streamer at CICED 2016 exhibition
29.08.2016At the exhibition, that was held parallel to the conference, Streamer showed some of its products. We presented at our booth screen type Line Lightning Protection Device SAd35z and SAi10z ‘Red Dragon’, well known to Chinese power engineers device, that Streamer used to supply to its south-eastern neighbor since 2012. Chinese overhead power transmission lines are similar to Russian in voltage class and design (10 kV overhead lines), and SAi10z is the most in demand, because the significant majority of cut-offs (about 80 percent) is the result of induced overvoltage rather than direct lightning strikes.
Chinese specialist showed the high interest in Transec transformer oil continuous monitoring, cleaning, dehydration and degassing system. During the exhibition Streamer succeeded in holding productive meetings with Chinese companies, that, quite possibly, will become the significant stage in establishing strong partnership links.
Next time Streamer will present its innovative products in China in November at the largest trade show EP China 2016 (The International Exhibition on Electric Power Equipment and Technology).
Strategic Partnership

Introducing Our New Catalogue: "Solutions for the Mining Industry"

We are pleased to introduce the new catalogue — "Solutions for renewable energy"


Streamer met with IEC Working Group as part of developing a new IEC Standard

STREAMER at ASEAN's largest exhibition – ELECTRIC & POWER INDONESIA 2023

We are pleased to introduce the newest TRANSEC Catalogue 2023

Over the years, our TRANSEC product has been going through significant modifications on its way to becoming among the best of its kind. A big part of our team’s heart, effort and creativity, years of research and engineering have been put in order to ensure that TRANSEC offers a reliable and state-of-the-art solution. We carefully investigate the feedback from our clients and work hard on making the product as tailor-made as possible.
Streamer’s TRANSEC was presented at IEEE RVP exhibition in Mexico
Announcement of Our new Logo & Brand Identity

We are proud to announce the launch of the new company logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our company’s brand.
Why protecting the line against lightning with a CLG? or LLPD?
CIGRE 2022 finished last week

Streamer met with its old friends over the world - it was a nice and warm event, the first big one after the Covid times. CIGRE was also very useful in setting up new cooperation opportunities, mostly in the European region.
First LLPD installation for E-Distribuzione near Oderzo, Veneto, Italy

In 2019, the University of Napoli contacted Streamer Electric AG in order the find a lightning protection solution for medium voltage lines. Prof. Amedeo Andreotti was looking for medium voltage line protection devices for E-Distribuzione, the Distribution utility of Italy, part of the ENEL group owner of the electrical network in Italy but also many other electrical networks around the world. E- Distribuzione is actively looking to improve the lightning outage rate on their overhead line network and particularly in the northern part of Italy.
FIREX International Exhibition 2022 finished

The new LLPD Catalog 2022 is available for downloads

Some significant improvements implemented inside the document will help the user to better understand Streamer product portfolio and especially topics related to EasyQuench system and Line Lightning Protection Device product range, its operation principles and added values.
The international exhibition Intersec Expo finished this week
At the end of September, Streamer's topics have been presented at ICLP-SIPDA

The ICLP-SIPDA 2021 is a conference organized by the scientific committees of the International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) and the International Symposium on lightning Protection (SIPDA). Conference took place from 20th to 26th September 2021. One of the two representatives from Streamer, Alexander Chusov, shared information about this conference and his thoughts about it
Ivan Zhitenev took part in the 50th St. Gallen symposium

The St. Gallen Symposium is a student initiative aimed at fostering an intergenerational dialogue and bringing world leaders and experts together.
Line Lightning Protection with LLPDd69z for NGCP in Pampanga, Philippines.
First TRANSEC installation Nicaragua