LLPD field trial at Oil & Gas sector of Indonesian power grid


The 3rd International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems 2021 (ICHVEPS 2021) is the third biannual conference organized by the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, as an international forum for exchange ideas, discussion, and dissemination of research results and technologies in the field of High Voltage Engineering and Power System.

Our colleagues from the School of Electrical Engineering & Informatics and Reynaldo Zoro Lightning Research Center presented the article about the advantages and successful installation of Line Lightning Protection Devices (LLPDs).

“This paper discusses about lightning protection system for distribution line system, especially for 6.6 kV and 20 kV system. It contains lightning data analysis, evaluation of existing condition and the improvement of lightning protection system. The recorded data shows that the distribution line often experiences disturbances and damage such as broken transformers, broken arresters, line shutdowns etc. Lightning has the greatest potential as a cause of faults that occur in distribution line. By the research and calculation, some design of protection system had been proposed. In order to improve the performance of distribution line, the improvement of Ground Shield Wire, Metal Oxide Arrester and Grounding System must be done. Then, LLPD is new technology which is also used to protect the distribution lines from the overvoltage of lightning.

Improvement of the reliability of the power system by the protection system is carried out using lightning strike data by the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS). Several installations carried out in the field are also presented in this paper.

Disturbances that occur in the power grid in Sanga Sanga area statistically have a positive correlation with a fairly high correlation coefficient to the lightning strike density data from the Lightning Imaging Sensor. LLPDs have several advantages for cutting voltage along distribution lines, including faster arc quenching, minimal maintenance, and long lifetime. For the case of installation used in distribution systems in Sanga Sanga area LLPD of 6.6 kV and 20 kV, are installed with air gaps of 25 mm and 40 mm, respectively. This LLPD is installed 1 unit on each pole and in areas that have high flash density. The LIS could be the reference to improve the efficiency of the LLPD installation.

Metal oxide arrester might be installed to accompanied the LLPD with the installation according to the protection distance. It is necessary to install a PCM (peak current measurement) to count the number of lightning strikes due to monitoring and as the indicator of maintenance. Ground wire might to be installed to assist the LLPD in reducing the induced voltage. Installation can be done alternately with LLPD.”

Conference Website 

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